The OMNINO AQUA® system always with you

You can bottle your tap water for when you're on the go. At some point the bottle will be empty and you'll be far away from home. And what about the water and coffee in the office?

  • Preparation systems are not mobile

    • conventional water treatment plants are located
    • no hexagonal water outside the home (on the road, in the office, in the stable, in a hotel, in a camper, etc.)
    • Devices contaminated with limescale while on the move
    • increased energy loss on the road

    OMNINO AQUA® offers a mobile solution for hexagonal water on the go.

  • Purpose of drinks

    • Limited amount of bottled hexagonal water
    • Buying (overpriced) drinks at gas stations etc.
    • Mineral water or water dispensers in the office
    • Fresh water for camping holidays and boat trips

    What about the tea and coffee water in the office? And how many crates of sparkling water for the camping holiday in Belgium* - the country with the worst tap water?

    * Source: SPIEGEL ONLINE Science, March 5, 2003

  • Bearing of drinking water

    • depending on the water supply (fresh water, mineral water)
    • Consumption of storage space for drinking water in camper, bus, boat
    • laborious transport of drinking and fresh water
    • Filling the fresh water canisters affects the travel route

    Independence feels different. Prepare your own hexagonal water and become freer!

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OMNINO AQUA® works even on the go

We explain the effect in these areas in a somewhat simplified way:

Effect 1:

Our mobile devices are handy, flexible and can be installed within seconds. The silicon crystals in our OMNINO AQUA® mobile devices serve like a CD as a “data carrier” of special frequenciesthat affect the water in the area. The frequencies are programmed to bring molecules back into their natural order. Why?

Effect 2:

Water crystals are thus again hexagonal. This has the same positive effects as the permanently installed devices in the home. What does this mean for you?

Effect 3 + 4:

On the go and at work, drinks can be transformed into a better drinking experience with the OMNINO AQUA® technology. In your travel homes save space and money, remain independent and protect the equipment. At work, you can rely on the high quality of your drink.


You can enjoy and use hexagonal OMNINO AQUA® water regardless of where you are. You no longer need to buy mineral water and you always feel good about it. Whether you drink it, let it run through your appliances or shower with it.

Frequently asked questions about the   Omnino Aqua® application

Can I also take   omnino aqua®   abroad ?

Basically yes. When travelling, we recommend packing the devices in so-called shielding foil. This prevents the frequency information from being changed, for example by toll sensors on motorways or metal detectors at airports. We will be happy to provide this to you on request.

How do I use 0001> omnino aqua®   in the hotel ?

We have developed the "hotel set" for this purpose. The under-counter device contained in it can be installed in just a few minutes on the cold and hot water pipes under the washbasin in the bathroom (if accessible). The shower device has a size-adjustable screw cap and can be attached to the shower hose in seconds. The effect is immediate. Just don't forget the devices in the hotel room ;-)

omnino Aqua®   also works on higher floors and high -rise buildings ?

Yes. Increased pressure through pressure pumps no longer changes the resulting hexagonal structure of the water.

Why shouldn't I put carbonated drinks on the coasters ?

The frequencies in the coasters cause the molecules to change into a hexagonal shape. This allows carbon dioxide to evaporate more quickly. Drinks can therefore go stale more quickly.

We love their skepticism!

Because only those who question things can later be completely convinced.

If you are not ready for a face-to-face interview yet, that's totally fine!
This document will help you expand your knowledge to make a decision that feels good all around.

In the paper "5 reasons for water treatment using frequencies" neutral information, test results and third-party reports are clearly summarized for you.

5 reasons for water treatment using frequencies

You can change your water!

Get the most out of your tap water and ensure a good feeling!

Say goodbye to the worrying uncertainty that you and your family are drinking water that may contain undrinkable, or in the worst case, harmful, foreign substances. Save yourself the expense and effort of buying mineral water and still not being sure whether this water is really as good as it is portrayed to be.

Gain control of water in all areas of life and experience the difference when eating, drinking, bathing, cleaning and watering.

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