Unleash your potential with the OMNINO AQUA®-Effect

Most of human potential remains unused. Fewer and fewer nutrients are contained in fruits and vegetablesDisorganized water cannot be absorbed directly by the cells and requires additional energy to be converted into a usable form.

  • Loss of nutrients due to water cycle

    Hexagonal water can provide more enjoyment and better nutrition. In the long term, it can improve our diet.

  • Healthy and tasteless ?

    • Quality of supermarket goods questionable
    • non-seasonal harvests
    • intercontinental imports
    • low nutrient density & taste

    How can meat, fruit and vegetables become richer, tastier, more nutritious and therefore healthier? Can hexagonal water help animals and plants in this regard?

  • Expensive toilet

    • targeted nutritional supplementation has its purpose and price
    • Vital substances often only reach the cell in small quantities (bioavailability)
    • Vital substances are largely excreted unused
    • Going to the toilet becomes expensive

    Unfortunately, most of our performance potential remains unused. This is a constant challenge, especially for athletes. How could hexagonal water make an important contribution, e.g. by increasing bioavailability?

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OMNINO AQUA® has a holistic effect

We explain the effect in these areas in a somewhat simplified way:

Effect 1:

Like a CD, the silicon crystals in our OMNINO AQUA® devices serve as “data carriers” of special frequenciesthat affect the water in the surrounding area. The frequencies are programmed to bring molecules back into their natural, hexagonal order. Why?

Effect 2:

Water crystals are therefore again hexagonal, like every mountain spring water originally. This can have many positive effects, for example a significantly higher bioavailability of the water and the nutrients it absorbs. The same applies to the Neutralization of the negative information of pollutants. What does that do for you?

Effect 3:

Every organism, every plant can absorb organized water more easily and utilize it better.
With the following result:


Effects can be felt on your own body and in your vegetable garden. External application, e.g. when showering, can also bring about a change in the skin's condition. Everything that is alive, everything that absorbs water, can benefit from the OMNINO AQUA® effect.

Frequently asked questions about the   Omnino Aqua® application

Can I really use   omnino aqua®   in every area of ​​life ?

Wherever water is used, hexagonal water can lead to an improvement in the situation. No matter what area of ​​life. The hexagonal structure is the original form of mountain spring water.

I can also cook with   omnino aqua® water ?

Of course. It is even recommended. Simply use hexagonal water for everything, from washing your hands and vegetables to cooking pasta, tea and coffee. A positive OMNINO AQUA® -effect can occur.

Loses   omnino aqua® water when cooking its hexagonal structure ?

No. Water generally retains its hexagonal structure even when heated and boiled. However, when water is heated in a kettle, this depends on the quality of the device and its electromagnetic field (earthing and potential equalization).

Can I use   omnino aqua®   for my pool ?

Another clear YES! There are customer reports that since using the OA system, they have had to change the pool water or treat it with chemicals much less often. See in particular the customer interview with Dr. Khalil Ritter.

Can   omnino Aqua® - Water contribute to the increase in performance ?

The effects of the product described (as well as homeopathy, bioresonance, areas of acupuncture) cannot currently be proven due to generally accepted scientific methods and opinions. The findings are based on alternative concepts and reports from satisfied users. The use of the OMNINO AQUA® -Products do not constitute therapy and do not replace the consultation of a doctor or alternative practitioner.

We love their skepticism!

Because only those who question things can later be completely convinced.

If you are not ready for a face-to-face interview yet, that's totally fine!
This document will help you expand your knowledge to make a decision that feels good all around.

In the paper "5 reasons for water treatment using frequencies" neutral information, test results and third-party reports are clearly summarized for you.

5 reasons for water treatment using frequencies

You can change your water!

Get the most out of your tap water and ensure a good feeling!

Say goodbye to the worrying uncertainty that you and your family are drinking water that may contain undrinkable, or in the worst case, harmful, foreign substances. Save yourself the expense and effort of buying mineral water and still not being sure whether this water is really as good as it is portrayed to be.

Gain control of water in all areas of life and experience the difference when eating, drinking, bathing, cleaning and watering.

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