Everywhere at home from OMNINO AQUA® effect

In Germany, almost 130 liters are consumed per private individual consumed daily. Since our water is partly alarmingly burdened the following challenges may arise:

  • Additional costs for water filters or mineral water

    Tap water is often not used directly because:

    • Drinking water contamination with foreign substances and pollutants
    • untreated tap water is often undrinkable
    • Water filters mean follow-up costs
    • Purchasing mineral water is time-consuming and increasingly expensive

    Incidentally, mineral water in Germany is subject to much less strict controls than tap water.

  • High plaster and descaling effort

    Calcified devices and surfaces must be descaled and cleaned regularly. This means:

    • high loss of time
    • chemical cleaners for stubborn limescale
    • Subsequent damage such as rust etc. caused by other approaches such as salts

    All in all, symptoms are being combated and no cause is being eliminated.

  • Increased cost of living

    It's bad enough that everything is getting more and more expensive. Additional costs can also arise from:

    This is doubly frustrating because it could have been prevented.

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The OMNINO AQUA® EFFEKT solves your problems permanently because it addresses the cause.

We explain the effect in these areas in a somewhat simplified way:

Effect 1:

Like a CD, the silicon crystals in the OMNINO AQUA® Devices as "data carriers" of special frequenciesthat affect the water in the area. The frequencies are programmed to bring molecules back into their natural order. Why?

Effect 2:

Water crystals are again hexagonal and foreign molecules such as lime are simultaneously "rounder" and smaller. This has many positive consequences. For example, the increasing dissolving power of water. What does this do for us?

Effect 3 + 4:

Water can now first dissolve significantly more limescale. Limescale adhesion is greatly reduced. Secondly All organisms have a higher utilization of the same amount of water, since organized water is cell-permeable. It can therefore be absorbed much better by the body.

A third effect is the neutralization of foreign and harmful information. Further information can be found here.


Drinkable tap water, less water consumption, less effort for buying mineral water, cleaning and filtering and increased energy efficiency. And all without direct contact, without chemicals, without salt, without electricity, but sustainable and long-lasting.

Frequently asked questions about the   Omnino Aqua® application

Can I really use   omnino aqua®   in every area of ​​life ?

Wherever water is used, hexagonal water can lead to an improvement in the situation. No matter what area of ​​life. The hexagonal structure is the original form of mountain spring water.

What do I do with my water filter ?

Opinions differ here. One thing is clear: OMNINO AQUA® does not filter anything out of the water. We recommend getting information on this from the Institute for Best Water.

omnino Aqua®   also works on higher floors and high -rise buildings ?

Yes. Increased pressure through pressure pumps no longer changes the resulting hexagonal structure of the water.

Are there any circumstances under which I should not consume hexagonal water ?

Since hexagonal water is the original form of water, there are no known circumstances under which hexagonal water should not be consumed.*

* depending on the recommendation of the local drinking water supplier

We love their skepticism!

Because only those who question things can later be completely convinced.

If you are not ready for a face-to-face interview yet, that's totally fine!
This document will help you expand your knowledge to make a decision that feels good all around.

In the paper "5 reasons for water treatment using frequencies" neutral information, test results and third-party reports are clearly summarized for you.

5 reasons for water treatment using frequencies

You can change your water!

Get the most out of your tap water and ensure a good feeling!

Say goodbye to the worrying uncertainty that you and your family are drinking water that may contain undrinkable, or in the worst case, harmful, foreign substances. Save yourself the expense and effort of buying mineral water and still not being sure whether this water is really as good as it is portrayed to be.

Gain control of water in all areas of life and experience the difference when eating, drinking, bathing, cleaning and watering.

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