Customer reviews OMNINO AQUA®

This is what our customers say about the OMNINO AQUA® products in the application area "Human"

I was skeptical, but after 4 weeks of testing I am convinced: the OA water generator works!   The installation was easy and the limescale deposits have reduced significantly.

Christian B., Freiburg

As an engineer, I was initially skeptical about the physical working principle of the OA water generator. I was able to try out how it works in a 4-week test run. The two-part housing made it extremely easy to attach the product to the main pipe, directly in front of the water meter in my terraced house. No drilling or screwing, just put it around the pipe as a sleeve and you're done. From here, the entire water supply flows through the water generator, from the kitchen, the bathrooms, the washing machine in the basement to the outside tap for watering my garden.

My verdict: It works! I noticed significantly less limescale deposits, visible on the fittings, the kettle and the shower head. I hope for even more in the invisible places: the heating coils of the washing machine and dishwasher. A good feeling.

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I just wanted to briefly tell you that you couldn't get the Wunderdinger back. I'm really thrilled ...

Tanja Q., Kaisten - Switzerland

Hello Mr. Janßen, I just wanted to let you know that you will not get the miracle things back under any circumstances. I'm really excited, it always takes me a little longer to give feedback because I test things extensively, but I'm really super happy!

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For a long time I was looking for a solution to our lime problem - a water hardness 21 dH ...

Matthias M., Karlsruhe

For a long time I was looking for a solution to our limescale problem – Water hardness 21 DH. Limescale-covered taps, stained shower cubicles and leaky toilets... The first sip had already convinced me. The water and coffee tasted much better. I checked again and again over 30 days: the limescale did not stick stubbornly. It disappeared with a simple wipe. Everything just looked cleaner for longer.

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In the meantime he is a big fan of the soft, pleasant and tasty water.

Ruth F., Bad Rappenau

I came into contact with OMNINOAQUA® at the Eurocheval. Because of the possibility of testing the water generator, I took the opportunity against my husband's wishes. He is now a big fan of the soft, pleasant and tasty water. There is also no more limescale buildup. The animals' water trough also produces far fewer streaks. We are very enthusiastic about OA.

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I initially thought that it would not be worth it, but coffee and tea taste much better.

Oliver B., Freiburg

We have had an under-counter unit in our old office building with very old pipes for a few weeks now. I initially thought it wouldn't be worth it, but coffee and tea taste much better.
Until now, I didn't dare drink water straight from the tap. Now I can do that too, and I don't have to lug it from home. We now have a sleeve on the tap there too. TOP PRODUCT for a fair price, as we don't have to buy filters or anything like that, which used to cost us a lot of money.

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"Great results b. Lime deposits and taste"

Rainer H.

Hello dear OMNINOAQUA® team, Great result with your water generator, I can now wipe away limescale with my finger and tea, coffee and all drinks simply taste better now. Thank you very much

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"We are now drinking tap water! And an improvement for: - kitchen appliances - laundry & - plants"

Veronika K.

In our two-family house we have a water hardness of 21, which means we always had limescale in the pots and coffee machine. We also never drank water from the tap, but bought mineral water instead. Since installing the OMNINOAQUA® PWG, the following things have changed in our household: 1. We no longer buy mineral water, we have bought a water carbonator. 2. The glasses come out of the dishwasher without any limescale residue. 3. The laundry is softer and I have reduced the amount of detergent I use by 50%. 4. The flowers in our house are in great health and even a struggling plant has recovered wonderfully.

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"Better water quality in our pool"

Ralf C.

A few months ago we installed a PWG from OMNINOAQUA® and have noticed the following: our pool's pH value has been stable since the water treatment system was installed. At first we thought that the dosing system was defective; after the pool builder checked the system, I know that it has something to do with our new water quality. The water also tastes good and we are absolutely happy to have purchased the system.

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"Significant limescale reduction of risk -free purchase"

Madlein K.

I got to know the company and the great water treatment system at a trade fair in Zurich. I could clearly taste the difference in the water samples and buying the system is risk-free as there is a 30-day money-back guarantee. So I decided to buy it and I am absolutely convinced. The water has been delicious to drink since the system was installed in my home. I am also happy that I no longer have to use aggressive products to descale my pots and coffee machine.

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New taste experience

Ersen A.

I have had the OMNINOAQUA® at home for 3 months. I would like to briefly tell you about the changes I have noticed in my drinking water so far. I drink tea every day and generally only tap water. After the aerator was installed, the following things changed for me. The tea tastes fuller and has no annoying bitter taste notes. My tea tastes much better than before. I have noticed that my digestion has improved. In addition, I have not had any problems with reflux since then. All in all, I am very happy with the purchase and can recommend the system without reservation.

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"Drinking water tastes better and the lime on surfaces is quickly wiped away"

Irene M.

We have been using the system for a few months now and are absolutely satisfied with the noticeable change in our drinking water. The limescale has also changed in that it no longer sticks to surfaces.

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"Lime in the shower with a damp flaps wiping water tastes better"

Stefan L.

I have been using the system for 2 years now and am happy with its performance. The limescale has changed as I was initially told. I can simply wipe the limescale off the shower wall with a damp cloth. In addition, the water always tastes fresh and delicious.

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"The water filter is now used longer (plus 100%)"

Britta P.

I actually just wanted to test the OMNINOAQUA® system because I have an Aquion water filter. I have now tested the system for 4 weeks and will keep it! I am absolutely convinced by the effectiveness of the system. After installing the OMNINOAQUA® system, I changed the cartridge in my water filter. Up until now, after the first 14 days, the digital display on the filter had shown a drop (1 bar less) - now 5 weeks have passed and the display still shows "full power". I was totally surprised! I now understand that the way the OA system works relieves the strain on my Aquion filter.

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"All promises adhered to"

Ruth F.

I came into contact with OMNINOAQUA® at the Eurocheval. Because of the possibility of testing the water generator, I took the opportunity against my husband's wishes. He is now a big fan of the soft, pleasant and tasty water. There is also no more limescale. The animals' water trough also produces far fewer streaks. We are very enthusiastic about OA.

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"A quick positive change (even when washing your hair)"

Michael vd H.

We never thought that we could see a positive change in the water quality so quickly. Immediately after the very simple installation, our water became softer. My wife appreciates the improvement in the water, especially when she washes her hair. The tea and coffee also taste better. We will order a second device for our other apartment.

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"Enthusiastic guests and employees"

Simon W.

Less cleaning effort in the bathrooms - no limescale on dishes and glasses; the pool water is more pleasant and requires less cleaning and detergent - a plus for the ecological footprint through CO 2 savings. Great product

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"Tea and coffee now taste better - new shower experience"

Andreas R.

A change was noticed immediately after installation. When showering, the shower gel comes off the skin very quickly. This had always annoyed me. Drinks like tea and coffee now taste better.

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"Lime problem solved tenants are very satisfied"


We have two apartment buildings with major limescale problems. OMNINOAQUA® not only solves the limescale problems, the tenants are also very happy with the improved water quality.

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"Great result at lime hardness 28!"

Josef W.

Always had a large salt system to descale the water. For the last 2 months with OMNINOAQUA® there have been limescale deposits, but they are easy to wipe away. The limescale does not stick. Great results.

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"Didn't want to ... have already conveyed 2 friends an OA"

Oliver H.

I'm not really enthusiastic about changes through frequencies etc. But after being forced to try it out, I'm completely convinced and enthusiastic. I've already given two friends an OMNINOAQUA®. Never say NEVER!

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"True Wunderdinger"

Tanja Q.

Hello Mr Janßen, I just wanted to let you know that you definitely won't be getting the miracle things back. I'm really super excited, it always takes a little longer to give feedback because I test them extensively, but I'm really super happy!

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"Previous filter was not a solution"

Nadine G.

We thought we had a good water filter at home, but after a few days the water tasted stale and less tasty... The filter costs weren't exactly encouraging either. Then OMNINOAQUA® came along as the solution. With the OMNINOAQUA® under-counter device, I installed a solution on the supply lines in three minutes and it was amazing how quickly the taste of the water changed. Much softer, simply delicious. I haven't had to descale the kettle since then!!! The tea and coffee taste much better, the only disadvantage is that you have to go to the toilet more often because it is obviously true that hexagonal water is metabolized much better and faster by the body. The best thing is that it lasts forever, I don't have to replace or renew anything after a certain time!!! Brilliant!!!

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"Much less limescale liability"

Thomas S.

We were very pleasantly surprised by the ease of installation and the first quick changes in the quality of the water convinced us very quickly. In particular, everyone noticed that there was much less limescale build-up. Shower enclosures and fittings were much easier to clean and the dishes came out of the dishwasher with much better results.

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"50% less time for descaling many advantages with the OA system"

Dennis W.

Right from the start, we noticed that the technical water quality had improved significantly. Our water hardness is 14 dh. We were amazed that the stubborn limescale problems on our demonstration machines, drinking water dispensers and coffee machines had changed dramatically for the better. The time required to decalcify our machines has been reduced by 50%! Our decision to use the OMNINO AQUA® system has brought many advantages.

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"A solution for 35 residential units highly recommended"

Matthias. M.

We installed a water generator on a property with 35 student apartments. I had been looking for a solution to our limescale problem for a long time - water hardness 21 DH. I was curious to see the effects on the sanitary and kitchen areas. I checked it repeatedly over a period of 30 days. It was true: the limescale did not stick stubbornly. I am positively surprised to have achieved such a result with the OMNINOAQUA® system and can only recommend it.

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"Top product at a fair price now also drink tap water!"

Oliver B.

We have an under-counter device in our old office building with very old pipes. I initially thought it wouldn't be worth it, but coffee and tea taste much better. Until then, I didn't dare drink the water straight from the tap. That's now possible too. TOP PRODUCT for a fair price, as no filters or similar have to be bought.

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"Buy out of conviction"

Sabine + Thomas R.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for your very friendly and competent advice. Thank you also for the trial days, where we were able to test your device and after just a few days we could really see a visible improvement in terms of limescale and improved water quality, for example in the bathroom area such as fittings, drinking bowls for our cat and kitchen areas such as the coffee machine. For these reasons, we decided to buy your product based on our own conviction and think that we will get even better water quality over time.

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"Much less lime"


All cars are washed by hand only: 1.) “Significantly less limescale”! 2.) Tap water tastes much better 3.) Almost no limescale on technical devices

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"I've never seen that before Omninoaqua®!"

Dr. Karl R. Freiburg

The outdoor pool was covered over the winter. No pump was used and no chemicals such as chlorine or similar were used. → The water was clear when it was covered in the spring! I had never experienced this before OMNINOAQUA®.

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"Great effect"

Holzbau, Bad Krozingen

Great effect (hardly any limescale build-up) on technical devicesWater, coffee, tea etc. tastes betterVery pleasant when showeringProtects dishwasher, washing machine etc.

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"Linen is softer! The dog drinks more water"

Hans L. Schallstadt

The dog drinks more; the laundry (especially linen) comes out of the washing machine much softer and more skin-friendly;

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"Much softer laundry"

Andreas F. Haßloch

My son's towels and washcloths are much softer than before.

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