OMNINO AQUA® increases customer satisfaction & image

Whether you are a plumbing company, workshop or hairdressing salon, the water quality in your business affects your success. Equipment calcification and machine wear and tear caused by limescale causes customer dissatisfaction, goodwill costs and maintenance costs. In addition, there is the Energy loss for you and your customer with all heat exchange devices of up to 20%!

  • Lime costs

    Wherever limescale builds up, additional costs arise: through energy loss, descaling or even replacement.  Buildings with hard tap water particularly affected

    • Costs due to energy loss due to rising energy prices
    • annoying descaling effort
    • higher repair and maintenance costs
    • faster equipment wear

    Everyone should be aware of the connection between calcification and rising costs.

  • Customer-independence

    Small and medium-sized businesses in particular rely on customers to recommend their products. Dissatisfaction arises from, for example,

    • constant calcification of the equipment
    • noticeable pipe blockage
    • too rapid seal wear
    • frequent maintenance and repairs
    • faster equipment wear

    In order to satisfy the customer, services are not invoiced - in other words, the goodwill costs increase. The damage caused by negative advertising cannot be quantified!

  • Avoidable loss of energy

    Energy prices have risen sharply in recent years with no prospect of an end to this trend.

    Avoidable energy loss is hardly justifiable these days. Energy savings in the double-digit percentage range can be a powerful selling point.

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OMNINO AQUA® solves your problems permanently because it works on the cause.

We explain the effect in these areas in a somewhat simplified way:

Effect 1:

Like a CD, the silicon crystals in the OMNINO AQUA® Devices as "data carriers" of special frequenciesthat act on the water in the environment. These are programmed to reorganize and arrange the molecules like a defragmentation on your PC. What does that do?

Effect 2:

Water crystals are again hexagonal and lime molecules become "rounder" and smaller at the same time. This has many positive consequences, in particular increasing the dissolving power of the water. How does this benefit your company?

Effect 3:

Water can now dissolve significantly more limescale.  The limescale build-up on appliances, heating coils, surfaces and pipes is thus greatly reduced.

Further effects, e.g. in terms of increasing the bioavailability of water or neutralising Foreign and pollutant information can be found here.


The tap water in your company causes significantly fewer problems and the financial burden is reduced. And all this without direct contact, without chemicals, without salt, without electricity, but instead sustainable and long-lasting.

Frequently asked questions about the   Omnino Aqua® application

I can attach 0001> omnino aqua®   to each water pipe ?

Basically yes. Provided the water pipe is at least 30 cm, preferably at least 50 cm, away from the nearest high voltage line. According to the planning basis for house connection rooms DIN 18 012 point 3.13, this should generally be the case in buildings. Here is the wording:

"The protective and working distance between the lines and equipment of the individual utility providers (e.g. electrical and water lines) must be at least 0.3 m."

omnino Aqua®   also works on higher floors and high -rise buildings ?

Yes. Increased pressure through pressure pumps no longer changes the resulting hexagonal structure of the water.

What maintenance costs do I have with the   omnino aqua® system ?

Basically none. The effect is permanent. There are no filters or other replacement parts. The plastic devices can be cleaned in the dishwasher if necessary and are heat-resistant up to 135°C.

How long does the   omnino Aqua® - device ?

A drop in performance at frequencies is not known. The information is retained in the silicon. We offer a 12-year guarantee on the effective power, as we have had 12 years of experience with this technology. It is easy to imagine that we will extend this guarantee period accordingly over the years.

We love their skepticism!

Because only those who question things can later be completely convinced.

If you are not ready for a face-to-face interview yet, that's totally fine!
This document will help you expand your knowledge to make a decision that feels good all around.

In the paper "5 reasons for water treatment using frequencies" neutral information, test results and third-party reports are clearly summarized for you.

5 reasons for water treatment using frequencies

You can change your water!

Get the most out of your tap water and ensure a good feeling!

Say goodbye to the worrying uncertainty that you and your family are drinking water that may contain undrinkable, or in the worst case, harmful, foreign substances. Save yourself the expense and effort of buying mineral water and still not being sure whether this water is really as good as it is portrayed to be.

Gain control of water in all areas of life and experience the difference when eating, drinking, bathing, cleaning and watering.

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