The loss of nutrients in fruits and vegetables: Why do they contain fewer and fewer nutrients?

In recent decades, the question of the nutritional content of fruits and vegetables has become increasingly important. Studies show that fruits and vegetables today contain fewer nutrients compared to earlier times. But why is that so? In this blog article we will look at the possible reasons for the loss of nutrients in fruits and vegetables and how this development can affect our diet and health.

Causes of nutrient loss

There are various factors that contribute to nutrient loss in fruits and vegetables. One of the main reasons is modern agricultural practices. In many countries, large amounts of chemical fertilizers are used to increase yields. These fertilizers are primarily aimed at plant growth, but can affect nutrient levels. If plants grow too quickly, they may not have enough time to develop the full amounts of nutrients.

Another factor is the selection of plant varieties that are aimed at high yields and a longer shelf life. When breeding fruits and vegetables, characteristics such as appearance, size and resistance to disease are often preferred, while nutritional content is neglected. This means that modern varieties may contain fewer nutrients compared to traditional varieties.

The transport and storage of fruit and vegetables also contribute to nutrient loss. Fresh products are often transported long distances and stored for a long time before they end up on our plates. During this time, nutrients can be broken down or lost. Additionally, processing methods such as peeling, cutting and cooking can further reduce the nutrient content.

Impact on nutrition and health

The loss of nutrients in fruits and vegetables has an impact on our diet and health. Decreased nutrient density means we may need to eat larger amounts of fruits and vegetables to get the same amount of nutrients. This can be particularly problematic for those with limited access to fresh food or lower fruit and vegetable consumption.

A lack of nutrients can lead to various health problems. Nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants play a crucial role in the proper functioning of our body.

Measures to preserve nutrients

Various measures can be taken to reduce nutrient loss in fruits and vegetables. Sustainable agricultural practices that use natural fertilizers and crop rotation can help maintain soil nutrient levels. Choosing fruits and vegetables that are optimized for nutritional content, not just appearance and shelf life, is another important step.

It is also advisable to prepare fruits and vegetables fresh and gently to minimize loss of nutrients during processing. Peeling and cutting should be kept to a minimum as many nutrients are contained just beneath the peel or in the outer layers.

Consuming locally grown fruits and vegetables can also be beneficial as they require less time for transportation and storage, reducing nutrient loss.

Relationship between nutrient loss and water quality

Against this background, it seems all the more important to bring the remaining nutrients in our food into our cells without further losses. However, a disordered water structure can prevent or prevent exactly this. complicate. We'll explain why this is the case in the next section of this article.

The role of hexagonal water in nutrient uptake in cells: An efficient alternative to disordered water

Water is crucial for the proper functioning of our body. But did you know that not all water molecules are the same? In recent years there has been a surge of interest in hexagonal water, a special structured form of water. It is claimed that hexagonal water allows for improved nutrient absorption into cells due to its ordered structure and special properties. What effects can this have on our organism?

Efficient nutrient absorption with hexagonal water

The ordered structure of hexagonal water is believed to facilitate nutrient absorption into cells. The hexagonal structure allows for smaller water clusters that have better penetration into cell membranes. This in turn facilitates the transport of nutrients into the cells and enables the organism to use nutrients more efficiently.

In addition, it is claimed that hexagonal water has a higher solvency. This increased dissolving ability could lead to nutrients being better distributed in the hexagonal water and thus being absorbed more quickly and effectively by the cells.

Scientific findings and controversies

Although there are some studies showing positive effects of hexagonal water on nutrient absorption, scientific research in this area is still limited and controversial. Some researchers claim that the ordered structure of hexagonal water quickly changes back into disordered water due to body temperature and the natural environment. This would mean that the benefits of hexagonal water may not be permanent. Other field experiments that exposed hexagonal water to different environments and temperatures for months without the hexagonal structure of the water molecules dissolving disprove this claim.


Hexagonal water has aroused the interest of many people due to its ordered structure and special properties. The idea that hexagonal water allows for improved nutrient absorption into cells is intriguing, but further scientific research is needed to confirm these claims. Currently, these theses primarily refer to numerous positive experiences with hexagonal water. It is important to note that our body is able to absorb water efficiently and extract nutrients from disordered water. However, it requires significantly more energy for this extraction than for the metabolism with ordered, hexagonal water.

In conclusion, hexagonal water is an interesting theory that suggests that an ordered water structure could improve nutrient absorption. However, it is important to continue scientific research in this area and draw cautious conclusions. In any case, a balanced diet and adequate hydration are of utmost importance to ensure optimal health and nutrient supply.

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